Friday 15 October 2010

Why is it I can never be bothered?

As I'm sure other 'gamer-dads' would agree, most of their free time is spent entertaining their kid(s).

Enduring their tv programs, their tantrums, their noisey toys and feed times. The entire time remaining focus on that magical time of the day..... Their bedtime!

One of the major changes I've noticed since my kids were born is the fact that I can no longer race home and have a blast at a new game, not until the kids are in bed anyway.

Maybe its just me, but once they're in bed I just don't have the energy to play video games. Maybe my brain has been frazzled by the over exposure to kids tv. Maybe I'm tired, maybe there is something good on the tv. Or maybe I'm just lazy!

If you're interested in what I have to say follow me on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. I know I feel like this sometimes but its all worth it
