Tuesday 19 October 2010

Have we all......moved on?

Most of you from GamerDads know I am a retro gamer. I collect old games consoles, games, hell even my gamertag and psn have retro in them. I love the old games so when the wii was announced with downloadable content including megadrive games, snes and even intellivision games I was a little excited to say the least. I managed to get a wii on launch (no mean feat) and quickly purchased a controller to enjoy the retro gaming heaven I would surely be on. I thought my days of walking into Game were over and all future purchases would be from a virtual spotty teenager. Ok I jest, we will always buy the latest games out but I still thought the Wii would be getting some serious play time, but heres the thing....It doesn't. It gets an airing at xmas but even then its party games. I still have my SNES and Megadrive (the golden age) connected to the same tele as my PS and Xbox but that only gets a go every now and again. Retro gamers love to reminisce about the good old days of gaming where fun was the main ingredient not story line.  So heres my question.....Have we all...moved on? Are games simply better now and we just like to regress back to our youth. Has online gaming just taken it to the next level that we can never go back from. Can we no longer play alone? Are games simply better now than what they was?  Can a game like Heavy Rain do so well because the storyline is awesome but the gameplay relativly basic? Have we all become obsessed with big impact, visually stunning, huge storyline games and lost what made gaming great?
Maybe its just me.
Gaming has moved on massively since I was a youngster and I have to admit its hard to resist the pull of online Modern Warfare where reactions are king and and the pause button is forbidden but a hey, a quick game of mario should sort that out :)

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